"DRAG" Cassette (+postcard)
(2016 / Vitrine / VT30)
Side A 'DRAG'(with material of 'changes les blockers')
USカセットレーベル:Vitrineからのリリース。Side A「DRAG」は過去にリリースした「Empty Time of TNB」収録の「Objective Ground Level」の元素材…(当時、スタジオにてテレコでThe New Blockaders "changes les blockers" を流しながらドラムのタムをひたすら引きずり続けた現場録音)…を軸にいくつかのささくれだつ引っ掻き傷を刻んでいく。密室で転がり続ける湯気と毛羽が立つ野蛮な行進曲。Side B「SPIN/OFF」は日常の小道具が入れ替わり立ち替わり動き回る、引っ切りなしの心拍音頭。やがて場面が変わり、赤ん坊と目的を失ったギターが彷徨い交差しながら時間が来るまで延々と煮え立っていく。/アートワークは近年興味を示している、靴底(跡)を使ったペインティング作品。同カヴァのポストカード付き。
ABH, Drag (VT30)
Evacuees from the Null-Commune. Eviction passport. Vitrine is thrilled to showcase two long-form decompositions from Japanese sound artist and musician, Nobuo Yamada, otherwise known as ARTBREAKHOTEL. Drag, the first full-length recording from the project in two years, details further expeditions into mechanical redundancy. Pierced and coiled metal is collaged onto the rote mewing of a crowd, unvariegated feedback and the whirl of a turbine. Noise remains a refusal of aesthetics and expediency. A stripped hex head cap screw and copper filaments. The lack of function hidden in tools. Drag falls somewhere boldly outside both the cliches of improvisation and the bland trappings of noise as genre. The sound stares at itself in self-obsession. Yamada has cut his teeth as a collaborator besides such luminaries as Richard Ramirez, Toshiji Mikawa, Richard Rupenus and Hideaki Shimada. Yamada belongs in such company. Scraped guitar strings spiral back into a gutter of no value. The sounds are good, but that’s not the point. The A side features source material from TNB, wryly repurposing the work of a project known for doing just that. Climaxes subsume themselves to anti-climax. The handmade account and the pleasure of nothing at all. Each copy of Drag comes with a full-color, pro-printed postcard courtesy the artist. Sold out at source. /Allen Mozek(Vitrine)