(2017 / Tordon Ljud / TLCD01)
'Radam' (audio sample)
スウェーデンのノイズレーベル「Tordon Ljud」より同名義では初の単体(CD)リリース。ただただ金属ガラクタを様々な局面で愛で続ける48分。冒頭曲「Symphony」でのベースとなる素材には2003年に名古屋港エリアにて行われた「Lethe Voice Festival」でのパフォーマンス音源を使用。その他、「Radam」「Whack-a-mole」では責任感の無い乾いたギター音がフリーキーに絡み、より新たな質感を試みる。金属ガラクタを集密させてはいるものの、それらは鋼鉄な固まりでなく時折り空気の流れる隙間が見え隠れする自覚的な余地がある。それは時に脱力で、時に気まぐれで、行為が済んだらもう一度ゴミ箱にポイ捨てする程度の思惑も在る。精神は軽い。
Three pieces, amounting to close to an hour, of absorbing noise from Artbreakhotel.
Artbreakhotel is arguably the most well-known of Nobuo Yamada's monikers. Existing for over 10 years this is Artbreakhotel's first solo CD release after previous releases on labels such as Vitrine, Art Into Life, VLZ Produkt and more. What sets Artbreakhotel apart from many other noise projects is its meshing of raw junk noise and an almost psychedelic approach to noise to create, well, something resembling psychedelic junk noise? Moreover, on a related note, one cannot avoid the fact that despite the sometimes cacophonous nature of Artbreakhotel's work there is still a lot of clarity prevalent and this creates a possibility to get very close to the sound itself. You get a feeling that you are almost there - at the scene of action. On this album - "Radam" - Artbreakhotel shows his full range. From calmer, more abstract spells, to full on blasting. This is a demanding album but a rewarding one. / (Tordon Lijud)